Cell Chlorophyll Pigments Membranes Thylakoids Storage Covering Flagella


This category is used for unidentified individuals and taxa that do not fit the 8 groups/phyla.

3 taxa shown below, 3 of which appear in at least one sample.

Name Basionym Synonyms Lakes Samples Region* ID
Ciliata 1 30 SLW, 9001
Synechococcus linearis var. spirale 1 1 RMNP, 5045
Unknowns 1 54 SLW, 1

RMNP = Rocky Mountain National Park, CO
SLW = Silver Lakes Watershed, CO


Images are not scaled. An individual that looks bigger than its neighbors might actually be smaller. All images were made to fit within an area of 360px high and 200px wide.


Length 80-100 µm
Width 80-100 µm

Representative images missing for: Synechococcus linearis var. spirale | Unknowns |