Fragilaria virescens

Phylum: Bacillariophyta (Diatoms)
Taxon ID: 1056
Author: 0


Count Data

McKnight, D. M., Brenner, M., Smith, R. L. & Baron, J., (1986). Seasonal changes in phytoplankton populations and related chemical and physical characteristics in lakes in Loch Vale, RMNP, CO U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report, 86–4101. 64 pp.

McKnight, D. M., Miller, C., Smith, R. L. , Baron, J. A., & Spaulding, S. A. (1988). Phytoplankton population in lakes in Loch Vale, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado: Sensitivity to acidic conditions and nitrate enrichment U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report, 88–4115. 102 pp. | Abstract

Waters, S.B., (1999). Responses of algal communities to environmental change in an alpine lake, Green Lakes Valley, Colorado. Thesis (M.S.)--University of Colorado, 132 p.

Lake # samples Basin Region
Green Lake 4 9 Green Lakes Valley Silver Lakes Watershed
Sky Pond 2 Loch Vale Rocky Mountain National Park
The Loch 3 Loch Vale Rocky Mountain National Park

# of samples         = 14 with this taxon.
# of samples total = 395 with or without this taxon.

Positions in lake

  • lake center
  • inlet

Collection Types

Depth (m)
in Lake
100 The Loch 1984-08-14 0.0 lake center RMNP net tow citation short  
102 The Loch 1984-09-12 0.0 lake center RMNP net tow citation short  
89 Sky Pond 1984-10-08 0.0 lake center RMNP net tow citation short  
104 The Loch 1984-12-05 0.0 lake center RMNP net tow citation short  
299 Sky Pond 1985-06-18 0.0 inlet RMNP water citation short Notes
107 Green Lake 4 1998-06-30 14.0 lake center SLW sed core citation short Notes
108 Green Lake 4 1998-06-30 14.0 lake center SLW sed core citation short Notes
109 Green Lake 4 1998-06-30 14.0 lake center SLW sed core citation short Notes
111 Green Lake 4 1998-06-30 14.0 lake center SLW sed core citation short Notes
112 Green Lake 4 1998-06-30 14.0 lake center SLW sed core citation short Notes
114 Green Lake 4 1998-06-30 14.0 lake center SLW sed core citation short Notes
115 Green Lake 4 1998-06-30 14.0 lake center SLW sed core citation short Notes
116 Green Lake 4 1998-06-30 14.0 lake center SLW sed core citation short Notes
117 Green Lake 4 1998-06-30 14.0 lake center SLW sed core citation short Notes


RMNP Rocky Mountain National Park, CO;

SLW Silver Lakes Watershed, CO;