Elevation: | 3322 m / 10,899 ft |
Max Depth: | 7.3 m |
Ave Depth: | 4.5 m |
Surface Area: | 3.030 ha |
Volume: | 121,684 m3` |
Spring-Summer Thermal Stratification: |
No |
Latitude: | 40° 16.00000' 40.2772500° |
Longitude: | -105° 40.00000' -105.6684500° |
Basin: | Loch Vale |
Hydrologic Connection
Lake Above : | |
Lake Below: | Glass Lake |
Environmental Data & Lake Links
- Topographic, ~ 1: 24,000
- Topographic, ~ 1: 48,000
- Topographic, ~ 1: 100,000
- Topographic, ~ 1: 200,000
About a 9.2 mile round-trip hike from the Glacier Gorge Junction Trailhead in RMNP (9240 ft).
Sky Pond is drained by a perennial stream (Icy Brook). It is oligotrophic and dilute, occupying a cirque formed during advances and retreats of the Taylor Glacier. Sky Pond is classified as an alpine lake on the basis of its elevation. It is typical of other alpine lakes in Colorado in that it has a rock-and-gravel watershed and year-round snowfields in the watershed. It does not become thermally stratified during spring and summer (April through October). This lake is visited frequently by hikers during the summer.
Collection Types: |
Positions in Lake:
Row | Phylum | Name | Basionym | Synonyms | #samples | ID |
1 | Bacillariophyta | Achnanthes affinis | Achnanthes minutissima var. affinis (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot | 5 | 1001 | |
2 | Bacillariophyta | Achnanthes detha | 10 | 1004 | ||
3 | Bacillariophyta | Achnanthes exigua | 1 | 1142 | ||
4 | Bacillariophyta | Achnanthes linearis | Achnanthidium lineare W. Smith | 4 | 1009 | |
5 | Bacillariophyta | Achnanthes linearis f. curta | 1 | 1010 | ||
6 | Bacillariophyta | Achnanthes marginulata | 5 | 1011 | ||
7 | Bacillariophyta | Achnanthes microcephala | 1 | 1133 | ||
8 | Bacillariophyta | Achnanthes sp | 3 | 1014 | ||
9 | Bacillariophyta | Anomoeoneis serians var. brachysira | 1 | 1019 | ||
10 | Bacillariophyta | Asterionella formosa | 90 | 1020 | ||
11 | Bacillariophyta | Caloneis bacillum | 1 | 1027 | ||
12 | Bacillariophyta | Caloneis ventricosa var. alpina | 1 | 1143 | ||
13 | Bacillariophyta | Cyclotella stelligera | Cyclotella graeca var. stelligera? | 17 | 1031 | |
14 | Bacillariophyta | Cymbella minuta | Cymbella gracilis var. minuta, Encyonema ventricosum var. minutum, Cymbella ventricosa f. minuta,Encyonema minutum | 3 | 1035 | |
15 | Bacillariophyta | Cymbella minuta var. latens | 3 | 1036 | ||
16 | Bacillariophyta | Diatoma anceps | 1 | 1040 | ||
17 | Bacillariophyta | Diatoma hiemale var. mesodon | 2 | 1042 | ||
18 | Bacillariophyta | Eunotia incisa | 1 | 1045 | ||
19 | Bacillariophyta | Eunotia pectanalis (pictinalis) | 1 | 1046 | ||
20 | Bacillariophyta | Fragilaria capucina | 3 | 1049 | ||
21 | Bacillariophyta | Fragilaria construens | 2 | 1050 | ||
22 | Bacillariophyta | Fragilaria construens var. venter | 2 | 1051 | ||
23 | Bacillariophyta | Fragilaria crotonensis | 5 | 1052 | ||
24 | Bacillariophyta | Fragilaria leptostauron var. dubia | 3 | 1053 | ||
25 | Bacillariophyta | Fragilaria pinnata | 15 | 1054 | ||
26 | Bacillariophyta | Fragilaria virescens | 2 | 1056 | ||
27 | Bacillariophyta | Frustulia rhomboides | 1 | 1057 | ||
28 | Bacillariophyta | Melosira lirata | 27 | 1066 | ||
29 | Bacillariophyta | Meridion circulare | 4 | 1068 | ||
30 | Bacillariophyta | Navicula contenta var. biceps | 1 | 1071 | ||
31 | Bacillariophyta | Navicula luzonensis | 1 | 1082 | ||
32 | Bacillariophyta | Navicula minima | 5 | 1083 | ||
33 | Bacillariophyta | Navicula miniscula | 1 | 1084 | ||
34 | Bacillariophyta | Navicula pseudoscutiformis | 5 | 1087 | ||
35 | Bacillariophyta | Navicula radiosa | 1 | 1089 | ||
36 | Bacillariophyta | Navicula schmassmannii | 14 | 1090 | ||
37 | Bacillariophyta | Navicula sp. | 1 | 1092 | ||
38 | Bacillariophyta | Navicula subbacillum | 1 | 1093 | ||
39 | Bacillariophyta | Navicula viridula | 1 | 1095 | ||
40 | Bacillariophyta | Navicula viridula var. aveame | 1 | 1096 | ||
41 | Bacillariophyta | Neidium sp. | 1 | 1097 | ||
42 | Bacillariophyta | Nitzschia frustulum | 2 | 1100 | ||
43 | Bacillariophyta | Nitzschia linearis | 5 | 1102 | ||
44 | Bacillariophyta | Nitzschia microcephala | 3 | 1103 | ||
45 | Bacillariophyta | Pinnularia borealis | 2 | 1109 | ||
46 | Bacillariophyta | Pinnularia sp. | 1 | 1111 | ||
47 | Bacillariophyta | Surirella sp. | 1 | 1118 | ||
48 | Bacillariophyta | Synedra radians | 7 | 1123 | ||
49 | Bacillariophyta | Synedra rumpens | 14 | 1124 | ||
50 | Bacillariophyta | Synedra rumpens var. familiaris | 32 | 1125 | ||
51 | Bacillariophyta | Synedra rumpens var. rumpens | 5 | 1141 | ||
52 | Bacillariophyta | Synedra sp. | 1 | 1126 | ||
53 | Chlorophyta | Ankistrodesmus falcatus var. acicularis | 29 | 2003 | ||
54 | Chlorophyta | Chlamydomonas dinobryon | 1 | 2008 | ||
55 | Chlorophyta | Chlamydomonas sp. 1 | 53 | 2010 | ||
56 | Chlorophyta | Chlamydomonas sp. 2 | 48 | 2011 | ||
57 | Chlorophyta | Chlamydomonas sp. 3 | 23 | 2012 | ||
58 | Chlorophyta | Chlamydomonas sp. 4 | 1 | 2013 | ||
59 | Chlorophyta | Chlorella ellipsoidea | 71 | 2015 | ||
60 | Chlorophyta | Chlorella sp. | 1 | 2017 | ||
61 | Chlorophyta | Chlorococcum infusionum | 29 | 2018 | ||
62 | Chlorophyta | Chlorococcum sp. | 5 | 2019 | ||
63 | Chlorophyta | Chlorogonium sp. | 7 | 2020 | ||
64 | Chlorophyta | Closterium sp. | 7 | 2023 | ||
65 | Chlorophyta | Corone sp. | 2 | 2025 | ||
66 | Chlorophyta | Cosmarium sp. | 2 | 2026 | ||
67 | Chlorophyta | Cosmarium sp. 1 | 2 | 2027 | ||
68 | Chlorophyta | Cosmarium sp. 2 | 1 | 2028 | ||
69 | Chlorophyta | Dictyosphaerium sp. | 35 | 2031 | ||
70 | Chlorophyta | Dictyosphaerium sp. 1 | 5 | 2100 | ||
71 | Chlorophyta | Dictyosphaerium sp. 2 | 3 | 2101 | ||
72 | Chlorophyta | Eudorina elegans | 27 | 2034 | ||
73 | Chlorophyta | Eudorina sp. | 2 | 2035 | ||
74 | Chlorophyta | Gloeococcus tetraspora | 11 | 2040 | ||
75 | Chlorophyta | Gloeocystis sp. | 11 | 2041 | ||
76 | Chlorophyta | Golenkinia radiata | 1 | 2102 | ||
77 | Chlorophyta | Gonium sociale | 2 | 2042 | ||
78 | Chlorophyta | Gonium sp. | 28 | 2043 | ||
79 | Chlorophyta | Kirchneriella lunaris | 3 | 2093 | ||
80 | Chlorophyta | Micratinium sp. | 5 | 2103 | ||
81 | Chlorophyta | Nephrocytium limneticum | 43 | 2051 | ||
82 | Chlorophyta | Nephrocytium sp. | 4 | 2052 | ||
83 | Chlorophyta | Octosporiella coloradensis | 30 | 2053 | ||
84 | Chlorophyta | Oocystis sp. | 1 | 2056 | ||
85 | Chlorophyta | Pandoria morum | 9 | 2057 | ||
86 | Chlorophyta | Pandorina smithii | 4 | 2058 | ||
87 | Chlorophyta | Pandorina sp. | 2 | 2059 | ||
88 | Chlorophyta | Pleodorina californicum | 5 | 2062 | ||
89 | Chlorophyta | Scenedesmus serratus | 25 | 2069 | ||
90 | Chlorophyta | Scenedesmus sp. | 19 | 2070 | ||
91 | Chlorophyta | Schroederia setigera | 3 | 2072 | ||
92 | Chlorophyta | Spirogyra sp. | 1 | 2074 | ||
93 | Chlorophyta | Ulothrix sp. | 2 | 2080 | ||
94 | Chlorophyta | Zoospores | 7 | 2083 | ||
95 | Chrysophyta | Dinobryon cylindricum var. alpinum | 6 | 3014 | ||
96 | Chrysophyta | Dinobryon divergens | 31 | 3015 | ||
97 | Chrysophyta | Dinobryon sp. | 1 | 3019 | ||
98 | Chrysophyta | Unicellular flagellate | 4 | 3022 | ||
99 | Cryptophyta | Chroomonas sp. | 60 | 4003 | ||
100 | Cryptophyta | Cryptomonas alpina | 3 | 4015 | ||
101 | Cryptophyta | Cryptomonas erosa | 9 | 4004 | ||
102 | Cryptophyta | Cryptomonas marsonii | 5 | 4005 | ||
103 | Cryptophyta | Cryptomonas ovata | 1 | 4006 | ||
104 | Cryptophyta | Cryptomonas sp. | 10 | 4008 | ||
105 | Cryptophyta | Plagioselmis sp. | 2 | 4010 | ||
106 | Cryptophyta | Rhodomonas minuta | 6 | 4011 | ||
107 | Cryptophyta | Rhodomonas sp. | 6 | 4012 | ||
108 | Cyanophyta | Aphanothece sp. | 6 | 5007 | ||
109 | Cyanophyta | Chroococcus dispersus | 22 | 5036 | ||
110 | Cyanophyta | Chroococcus limneticus | 15 | 5008 | ||
111 | Cyanophyta | Chroococcus sp. | 6 | 5009 | ||
112 | Cyanophyta | Dactylococcopsis acicularis | 2 | 5011 | ||
113 | Cyanophyta | Dactylococcopsis fasciculatus | 19 | 5012 | ||
114 | Cyanophyta | Dactylococcopsis sp. | 3 | 5013 | ||
115 | Cyanophyta | Lyngbya limnetica | 2 | 5016 | ||
116 | Cyanophyta | Oscillatoria limnetica | 43 | 5024 | ||
117 | Cyanophyta | Oscillatoria sp. | 1 | 5025 | ||
118 | Cyanophyta | small blue-green filament | 1 | 5041 | ||
119 | Cyanophyta | Synechococcus elongatus | 4 | 5030 | ||
120 | Cyanophyta | Synechococcus linearis | 2 | 5031 | ||
121 | Dinophyta | Peridinium bipes var. travectum | 1 | 8001 | ||
122 | Dinophyta | Peridinium inconspicua | 6 | 8003 | ||
123 | Other | Synechococcus linearis var. spirale | 1 | 5045 |
Images are not scaled. An individual that looks bigger than its neighbors might actually be smaller. All images were made to fit within an area of 360px high and 200px wide.
![]() Chlorella sp. Length 1-2 µm Width 1-2 µm |
![]() Chlorococcum sp. Length 8-10 µm Width 8-10 µm |
![]() Dinobryon sp. Length 3-5 µm Width 1-1.5 µm |
![]() Synedra sp. Length 30-40 µm Width 2-4 µm |
Representative images missing for: Achnanthes affinis | Achnanthes detha | Achnanthes exigua | Achnanthes linearis | Achnanthes linearis f. curta | Achnanthes marginulata | Achnanthes microcephala | Achnanthes sp | Ankistrodesmus falcatus var. acicularis | Anomoeoneis serians var. brachysira | Aphanothece sp. | Asterionella formosa | Caloneis bacillum | Caloneis ventricosa var. alpina | Chlamydomonas dinobryon | Chlamydomonas sp. 1 | Chlamydomonas sp. 2 | Chlamydomonas sp. 3 | Chlamydomonas sp. 4 | Chlorella ellipsoidea | Chlorococcum infusionum | Chlorogonium sp. | Chroococcus dispersus | Chroococcus limneticus | Chroococcus sp. | Chroomonas sp. | Chroomonas sp. | Closterium sp. | Corone sp. | Cosmarium sp. | Cosmarium sp. 1 | Cosmarium sp. 2 | Cryptomonas alpina | Cryptomonas erosa | Cryptomonas marsonii | Cryptomonas ovata | Cryptomonas sp. | Cyclotella stelligera | Cymbella minuta | Cymbella minuta var. latens | Dactylococcopsis acicularis | Dactylococcopsis fasciculatus | Dactylococcopsis sp. | Diatoma anceps | Diatoma hiemale var. mesodon | Dictyosphaerium sp. | Dictyosphaerium sp. 1 | Dictyosphaerium sp. 2 | Dinobryon cylindricum var. alpinum | Dinobryon divergens | Eudorina elegans | Eudorina sp. | Eunotia incisa | Eunotia pectanalis (pictinalis) | Fragilaria capucina | Fragilaria construens | Fragilaria construens var. venter | Fragilaria crotonensis | Fragilaria leptostauron var. dubia | Fragilaria pinnata | Fragilaria virescens | Frustulia rhomboides | Gloeococcus tetraspora | Gloeocystis sp. | Golenkinia radiata | Gonium sociale | Gonium sp. | Kirchneriella lunaris | Lyngbya limnetica | Melosira lirata | Meridion circulare | Micratinium sp. | Navicula contenta var. biceps | Navicula luzonensis | Navicula minima | Navicula miniscula | Navicula pseudoscutiformis | Navicula radiosa | Navicula schmassmannii | Navicula sp. | Navicula subbacillum | Navicula viridula | Navicula viridula var. aveame | Neidium sp. | Nephrocytium limneticum | Nephrocytium sp. | Nitzschia frustulum | Nitzschia linearis | Nitzschia microcephala | Octosporiella coloradensis | Oocystis sp. | Oscillatoria limnetica | Oscillatoria sp. | Pandoria morum | Pandorina smithii | Pandorina sp. | Peridinium bipes var. travectum | Peridinium inconspicua | Pinnularia borealis | Pinnularia sp. | Plagioselmis sp. | Pleodorina californicum | Rhodomonas minuta | Rhodomonas sp. | Scenedesmus serratus | Scenedesmus sp. | Schroederia setigera | small blue-green filament | Spirogyra sp. | Surirella sp. | Synechococcus elongatus | Synechococcus linearis | Synechococcus linearis var. spirale | Synedra radians | Synedra rumpens | Synedra rumpens var. familiaris | Synedra rumpens var. rumpens | Ulothrix sp. | Unicellular flagellate | Zoospores | Zoospores |
Sample ID |
Coll. Date |
Samp Depth (m) |
Position in Lake |
Collection Type |
Citation (counts) |
Sample Notes |
# Taxa |
81 | 1984-05-21 | 0.0 | lake center | net tow | citation short | 18 | |
18 | 1984-05-28 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | 13 | |
27 | 1984-05-28 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 16 |
36 | 1984-05-28 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 15 |
82 | 1984-05-28 | 0.0 | lake center | net tow | citation short | 21 | |
19 | 1984-06-11 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | 12 | |
28 | 1984-06-11 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 12 |
37 | 1984-06-11 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 14 |
83 | 1984-06-11 | 0.0 | lake center | net tow | citation short | 19 | |
20 | 1984-06-25 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | 14 | |
29 | 1984-06-25 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 13 |
38 | 1984-06-25 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 15 |
84 | 1984-06-25 | 0.0 | lake center | net tow | citation short | 24 | |
21 | 1984-07-09 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | 14 | |
30 | 1984-07-09 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 17 |
39 | 1984-07-09 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 16 |
85 | 1984-07-09 | 0.0 | lake center | net tow | citation short | 26 | |
22 | 1984-07-23 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | 13 | |
31 | 1984-07-23 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 13 |
40 | 1984-07-23 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 14 |
86 | 1984-07-23 | 0.0 | lake center | net tow | citation short | 26 | |
23 | 1984-08-13 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | 12 | |
32 | 1984-08-13 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 11 |
41 | 1984-08-13 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 12 |
87 | 1984-08-13 | 0.0 | lake center | net tow | citation short | 19 | |
24 | 1984-09-10 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | 12 | |
33 | 1984-09-10 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 11 |
42 | 1984-09-10 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 9 |
88 | 1984-09-10 | 0.0 | lake center | net tow | citation short | 26 | |
25 | 1984-10-08 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | 12 | |
34 | 1984-10-08 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 12 |
43 | 1984-10-08 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 11 |
89 | 1984-10-08 | 0.0 | lake center | net tow | citation short | 16 | |
90 | 1984-12-03 | 0.0 | lake center | net tow | citation short | 7 | |
26 | 1985-01-21 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | 6 | |
35 | 1985-01-21 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 7 |
44 | 1985-01-21 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 9 |
91 | 1985-01-21 | 0.0 | lake center | net tow | citation short | 7 | |
274 | 1985-04-08 | 6.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 15 |
275 | 1985-04-08 | 3.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 11 |
276 | 1985-04-08 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 12 |
277 | 1985-04-23 | 6.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 17 |
278 | 1985-04-23 | 3.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 15 |
279 | 1985-04-23 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 5 |
280 | 1985-05-07 | 6.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 24 |
281 | 1985-05-07 | 3.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 19 |
282 | 1985-05-07 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 11 |
283 | 1985-05-14 | 6.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 15 |
284 | 1985-05-14 | 3.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 15 |
285 | 1985-05-14 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 4 |
286 | 1985-05-21 | 6.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 17 |
287 | 1985-05-21 | 3.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 10 |
288 | 1985-05-21 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 6 |
289 | 1985-05-28 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 19 |
290 | 1985-05-28 | 0.0 | outlet | water | citation short | Notes | 12 |
291 | 1985-06-05 | 3.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 18 |
292 | 1985-06-05 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 8 |
293 | 1985-06-11 | 6.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 11 |
294 | 1985-06-11 | 3.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 10 |
295 | 1985-06-11 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 15 |
296 | 1985-06-18 | 6.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 13 |
297 | 1985-06-18 | 3.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 8 |
298 | 1985-06-18 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 11 |
299 | 1985-06-18 | 0.0 | inlet | water | citation short | Notes | 7 |
300 | 1985-06-18 | 0.0 | outlet | water | citation short | Notes | 13 |
301 | 1985-06-27 | 6.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 13 |
302 | 1985-06-27 | 3.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 10 |
303 | 1985-06-27 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 12 |
304 | 1985-06-27 | 0.0 | outlet | water | citation short | Notes | 8 |
305 | 1985-07-10 | 6.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 7 |
306 | 1985-07-10 | 3.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 10 |
307 | 1985-07-10 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 8 |
308 | 1985-07-10 | 0.0 | outlet | water | citation short | Notes | 10 |
309 | 1985-07-22 | 6.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 14 |
310 | 1985-07-22 | 3.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 12 |
311 | 1985-07-22 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 12 |
312 | 1985-07-22 | 0.0 | outlet | water | citation short | Notes | 8 |
313 | 1985-08-06 | 6.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 9 |
314 | 1985-08-06 | 3.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 11 |
315 | 1985-08-06 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 13 |
316 | 1985-08-06 | 0.0 | outlet | water | citation short | Notes | 5 |
317 | 1985-08-21 | 6.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 8 |
318 | 1985-08-21 | 3.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 10 |
319 | 1985-08-21 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 8 |
320 | 1985-08-21 | 0.0 | outlet | water | citation short | Notes | 6 |
321 | 1985-09-04 | 6.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 11 |
322 | 1985-09-04 | 3.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 13 |
323 | 1985-09-04 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 10 |
324 | 1985-09-04 | 0.0 | outlet | water | citation short | Notes | 12 |
325 | 1985-09-18 | 6.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 12 |
326 | 1985-09-18 | 3.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 13 |
327 | 1985-09-18 | 0.0 | lake center | water | citation short | Notes | 11 |
328 | 1985-09-18 | 0.0 | outlet | water | citation short | Notes | 10 |
Citations -Count Data
McKnight, D. M., Brenner, M., Smith, R. L. & Baron, J., (1986). Seasonal changes in phytoplankton populations and related chemical and physical characteristics in lakes in Loch Vale, RMNP, CO U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report, 86–4101. 64 pp.
McKnight, D. M., Miller, C., Smith, R. L. , Baron, J. A., & Spaulding, S. A. (1988). Phytoplankton population in lakes in Loch Vale, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado: Sensitivity to acidic conditions and nitrate enrichment U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report, 88–4115. 102 pp. | Abstract